Thursday, December 7, 2017

Off to the Netherlands today

My speech for tomorrow at the March for Life in The Hague.

For the past 23 years, Mr. Smith has lobbied at UN meetings in New York and around the world, in total attending around 140 such events. He has represented the International Right to Life Federation and SPUC and now works for the Transatlantic Christian Council.

There is no international right to abortion, no treaties legalize abortion. At every UN meeting where abortion is even implied, there is a storm of disagreement.
Recently the Human Rights Committee in Geneva, which  monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been trying to fabricate a right to abortion
 Article 6 of that covenant states :
1. Every human being has the inherent right to life.
5. Sentence of death…. shall not be carried out on pregnant women.

Now this committee has issued a draft General Comment 36 on the right to life which states:
 States parties must provide safe access to abortion to protect the life and health of pregnant women
So another compliance committee at the UN has invented a right to abortion.  They are not alone, the CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women) compliance committee has been doing this for years. These are fake rights. You cannot make a wrong, that is abortion, into a right.
These compliance committees make many grand pronouncements, but these are not binding on sovereign nations.  The only sure way to force a country to change its laws is by invading it and taking over its government, I am not advocating this. The next way to get countries to change their laws is to trick them. These UN compliance committees are experts in this field.  They proclaim a right to abortion where there is not one. Rich countries donating money to poor countries can also put pressure on them to change their laws. He who pays the piper picks the tune.

The most widely accepts Convention at the UN is the DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD adopted by UN General Assembly in 1959. In its introduction it states:

   WHEREAS the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth,

So the UN should be pro-life, but many people in the system are not.

Who would have believed that Communism would fall in Russia and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s? But a Pope preached in Poland, fear not. Ronald Regan said tear down this wall in Berlin. Maggie Thatcher visited Solidarity and encouraged them. People prayed and an evil empire fell.

Now to end, in 1996 there was a big UN conference in Istanbul. Around 140 pro-lifers attended, I was there being a bit of a troublemaker. The pro-abortion countries, mainly the EU, got nothing for their evil agenda at this meeting. There were three Dutch grannies there who prayed, which was wonderful. I call it the miracle of Istanbul.

Continue to pray and lobby peacefully to end abortion.

God bless you.

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