Thursday, March 13, 2014

An American at the UN

The week at the United Nations was one that I will never forget. It was a week full of learning, growing and meeting people from across the world.  The week started with listening to various countries give their opinion on women rights, a topic that is very close to my heart.  It was so wonderful to hear people across the world come together to work and encourage empowerment for women.
                The United Nations fails to realize that abortion does not empower women. It takes away the most fundamental human right, the right to life. It was disheartening to hear a group of people fight for equal pay, equal opportunity and education for women and in the same speech speak of taking away the rights of the unborn. Women are not empowered when we are taking away the rights of others, we do not need to leave children without choices to have our own.  Why are the children’s lives not being fought for? They are being fought for, by Peter Smith and many others from all over the world. It was so incredible to see Peter speaking to Muslim women, Catholic Priests, Mormon leaders and many more. All of these people came here to fight for life. It was a beautiful and unique opportunity to be so united with people of so many backgrounds.
                A surprise that I learned was truly how political the UN is. There were so many deals off to the side and nobody to hold these diplomats accountable. I quickly became aware that the people of these countries had no idea what their diplomats were speaking about and fighting for. Some at the United Nations see abortion as a fundamental right. The powerful countries see abortion as a fundamental right.  It is the powerful countries that are constantly bullying the poorer and smaller countries into their beliefs. They seem completely closed to any dialogue that speaks about giving rights to the unborn, as though it is a preposterous and obsolete thought.
                Thankful is the word that I would describe for SPUC and Peter Smith’s presence at the United Nations. To know that life is being fought for and there are people that are not going to give up is such a comforting thing to know. I am so thankful to be a part of this experience, learning all that I did and meeting all the people that I was fortunate enough to meet. I am proud to say that I was part of the presence fighting for life, the fundamental right of all humans at the United Nations.

Katherine Beck is a senior at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.  She has been volunteering at pregnancy centres since she was seventeen and her passion is helping women and their unborn children. She volunteered at SPUC in London, England and has also spent time in Washington, D.C interning for the pro-life movement.  After graduation Katherine plans to work full time in the pro-life movement fighting for the civil rights of the unborn as well as the rights of women.

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