Monday, April 30, 2012

The above photo was taken on the last day of the Comission on Polutation & Development , last Friday. The smiles were a bit put on as the outcome was not so good for us.

From left to right

Tim Hermann - C-Fam , see :

Partick Buckley - SPUC , see Pat's blog at :
Pat helped me get going with this very basis blog , hope to smarten it up sometime.

Peter Smith- SPUC , for more info see :

Matthew Wojciechowski - Campaign Life Coalition , Canada See:
This was matthew's first time at the UN , and he did a great job.

Dominic Larkin - Was from Canada and representing Family Watch International see :
Dominic was also a first timer at the UN , and drove all the way down from Canada.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just arrived home in Scotland ,

 jet lag is bad, about to go to bed.

Thank you all who pray for me .

 God bless you

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Endeavour Forum Inc.

In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC


Statement by

Denise Mountenay-Canadian Director

To the 45th Commission on

Population & Development



April 24, 2012

Mr. Chairman,

Executive Directors, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen:

We know there is a propaganda campaign agenda by some wealthy NGO’s and UN agencies to push Comprehensive unrestrained Sexuality education into nations for young children aged 10 and up, which endorse early sexual activities, multiple partners, same sex philosophies, experimentation, along with encouraging children to masturbate. (IPPF)[i] 

This is totally unacceptable and inappropriate for children. We understand that this (CSE) will only lead to more sexual promiscuity, fuel more epidemics of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including Syphilis, Herpes, HPV, and HIV/AIDS.  Sex outside of a marriage relationship also leads to more abortions and emotional distress, according to Dr. Miriam Grossman during her parallel event at the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2010.  Who is benefiting from the sex industry? Large multi-billion dollar manufacturing drug companies that produce chemical steroids (birth control pills, hormonal  patches and  injections, and  abortion pills), along with the family planning abortion industry who are profiting from ending the lives of healthy children in the womb.

Mr. Chairman: Why does the CPD Draft Resolution for Youth and Adolescence contain only 13% on education and employment opportunities, while 57% focuses on sex?  What has all this sexual education for teenagers resulted in?  Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) are one of the most critical health challenges facing several  nations today. The Centre of Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are 19 million new infections every year in the United States.

STDs cost the U.S. health care system $17 billion every year—and cost individuals even more in immediate and life-long health consequences. Young people represent 25 percent of the sexually experienced population in the United States, but account for nearly half of new STDs. The long-lasting health effects are particularly serious for young people:

  • Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia can silently steal a young woman’s chance to have her own children later in life. Each year, untreated STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the U.S. to become infertile.
  • Untreated syphilis can lead to serious long-term complications
  • Studies suggest that people with gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis are at increased risk for HIV. Given the increase in both syphilis and HIV among young black gay and bisexual men, it is particularly urgent to diagnose and treat both diseases.[ii]

It is tragic that developing countries where women bear more children per capita; Yet lack infrastructure, education on how to prosper, sustainable food, clean water and access to sanitary medical services to preserve all life. They need clean birthing kits to prevent infections, access to skilled birthing attendants, transportation, doctors and emergency obstetric care, not abortions.

Dr. Jean Kagio, MD. Ob/Gynaecologist from Kenya, Africa states that “Legal Abortion cannot end poverty because the health budget would go higher due to the increased number of patients, increased mortality and morbidity due to abortion complications for women…including psychiatric problems and the need for assisted reproductive health services such as IVF due to infertility caused by abortion.    There are rampant shortages of essential medicines and basic nutrition for the mothers and their children due to poverty.  It is horrifying that these families suffer soaring maternal and child mortality rates which remain high.

It is unconscionable that nearly three million "wanted" children die every year during natural labour and delivery due to lack of support in the weeks just before birth.  This is outrageous in this day of modern medicine and technology.  Therefore, we are calling on UN Agencies, Governments and NGO's to recognize that if POVERTY is the enemy, then let's eliminate that!  (not eliminate children before they are born)

There is a huge difference between Reproductive "Health" and the "Right" to have one's child killed while on life support in his or her mother's womb.  Abortion as birth control is not health care, nor is it usually a medical necessity.  As a former legal-abortion patient from Canada who ignorantly used abortion as a violent form of birth control, and who got an infection, damaged cervix and badly scarred uterus affecting my fertility; I know that there is no such thing as a "safe" abortion.  Abortion hurt me, and killed my children.  It is a wrong and not a right!

Many studies confirm that legal abortion causes cervical and uterine damage and increased risk for pre-term births in subsequent pregnancies. Other legal abortion consequences include; increased risk of mental health problems consisting of anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse problems.  Go to[iii]  Not one study states that induced abortions are beneficial for women's Reproductive Health!

Over 50 worldwide studies now reveal that induced legal abortions may significantly increase the risk of breast cancer in women.  Go to[iv] for references and citations.

Most developed nations have had over 40 years of legal abortion on demand, sterilizations and birth control, but now face aging/dying populations with below replacement level birth rates!  This will bring huge economic catastrophes in the future due to shortages in the working age population, and especially of doctors, nurses, teachers and the available labour force. 

To conclude

The Secretary-General launched the Global Strategy on Women's and Children's Health. This initiative was designed to accelerate the achievement of MDGs 4 and 5, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.

We urge the UN agencies and NGO's to begin a campaign to encourage youth and adolescents to hang on to their hormones and to save pregnant women and children. 

Please provide funds for pregnant women and children in developing nations, please supply clean water, access to real maternal health care and let’s teach youth and young adults that they are not animals who cannot control their sexual behaviour.  According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is the parents, who should teach and guide their children's education.

Thank you for listening.

From the moment of conception all the DNA is present, (information and data on if it is a boy or girl, who this child would look like etc.)

A person is a person, no matter how small. 

Science resoundly declares that human life begins at the moment of conception/fertilization. From conception every human being has the potential to live for up to 70+ years.  Children and youth need to learn early that there is beating heart by 3-4 weeks, arms, legs, fingers and toes by\ 8 weeks after conception.  They need to learn about the value of motherhood and fatherhood, and that choosing sex before marriage could result in choosing STD's, pregnancy and broken hearts. 

The United Nations has an obligation according the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, to defend and protect the innocent from violence.  Article 3 states that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”  Also, the Declaration on the Rights of the Child, states that the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth,” -CRC (1990) Preamble.  And ICPD (1994), Chapter II, Principle 1. 

Whether legal or illegal, there is no such thing as a “safe” abortion.  Legal abortions do not equal ‘safe’ abortions.  Of course, the abortion procedure is never ‘safe’ for the living baby inside his or her mother’s matrix. 

The Elliot Institute reported that the majority of women in the USA do not even want an abortion as 64% of are coerced or pressured into it by boyfriends, parents, husbands and abortion clinic workers.  Many women suffer cervical and uterine damage, sterility, pre-term births in subsequent pregnancies, breast cancer, depression, guilt, remorse, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse etc….from legal abortions.[ii] and;

Choice?  Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it right.  Africans were sold into slavery for profit, having no right to life and liberty, to be used and abused. Aboriginal peoples were classified as non-persons, in North America, and other nations and were forced into Residential Schools and Reservations; we do not know how many were slaughtered.  World genocides to kill the unwanted  occurred  in Mao Ze-Dong’s  China, 1958-61 and 1966-69. Stalin’s Soviet Union, Cambodia and Rwanda where millions were slaughtered.  We also know about the horrors and brutality of the worst extermination on earth, where millions of Jews and others were systematically annihilated as part of a Nazi population control campaign of choice to kill the “unwanted”! 

Tragically, we have come to learn the hard way, as post abortive women, that abortion is a wrong and not a right.

The World Health Organization (WHO) target for Millennium Development Goal 5 is to reduce the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by three-quarters by 2015. Progress: The Lancet, Medical Journal stated, “Our analysis of all available data for maternal mortality from 1980 to 2008 for 181 countries has shown a substantial decline in maternal deaths. Progress overall would have been greater if the HIV epidemic had not contributed to substantial increases in maternal mortality in eastern and southern Africa.”[vi] 

We are very concerned that young women in China who are forced to abort their children.  Many reports are made about human rights violations against women in China who want children, but are forced to abort.  Many are also undergoing forced sterilizations.  Among evidence provided by two human rights organizations, ChinaAid and Women's Rights Without Frontiers, were stories of

The ICPD, 8.25 states that “In no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”…also ICPD, 7.24 declares “Governments should take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion…”

Therefore, we urge you to begin an education awareness campaign to bring these truths and information to light so women and children will be saved from destruction and violence!  It is a matter of life and death.  You must intervene to put pressure on the Chinese Government and all governments that permit this cruel act, to stop this brutal barbaric policy against women and children in our generation.  Also we encourage you to examine the San Jose Articles on Abortion and the Unborn Child in International Law. 

[[i]] IPPF Framework for Comprehensive Sexuality Education 7
[[ii]] Centres for Disease Control & Prevention-USA.
[[iii]] The Elliot Instititute;
[[iv]] Abortion Breast Cancer Coalition ;
The ICPD, 8.25 states that “In no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”…also ICPD, 7.24 declares “Governments should take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion…”

45th Commission on Population & Development ( CPD )

I have been attending CPDs for around 15 years , but for the last 3 years they have deteriorated , from our perspective. This has coincided with the used of a final Chairman's text that is forced on everyone at the last minute , with a take it or leave it attitude. There is paranoia among delegates at the thought of no document. No document may mean no development money.

The starting document , on adolescents and youth , was released on 28 March. This document was not too egregious , but still had nine mentions of Reproductive Heath , one of reproductive Choices , two on abortion , no mention of mothers , fathers , parents or jobs for young people. There were five references to marriage , all of them negative. This was a bad starting document and we know it would get worse.

Negotiations started on Thursday 19 April , the day I arrived in New York. NGOs are now barred from the negotiating room , so we cannot see at first hand the intimidation , threatening and coercions , I mean the negotiations !

Over the next few days there were eleven drafts , the final one coming out on Thursday 26 April at 6.50pm. Now remember the conference must finish the next day around 6pm. This last negotiated document had two hundred and four ( 204 ) reproductive references , of these 126 were reproductive health and 18 of reproductive rights. Any self respecting abortion activist would be able to squeeze out a right to abortion from all of these.. Then there were 46 places for abortion , 16 for mothers , 4 for fathers . And of course that minute minority in society got 6 sexual orientations and 6 gender identities. There were 35 mentions of marriage , all negative. There was no way there would be any consensus , even though negotiations went on past midnight. Everyone knew this but they all had to play the game. We were told that a chairman's text would be produced at 11am the next day , Friday 27 April.

However the text was not available until 1.30pm.

The plenary was meant to start at 3pm. It finally got going at 3.40pm. The chair , from Indonesia , then spent a lot of time explaining how his text was not perfect , " the perfect being the enemy of the good" etc. Then many countries spoke up , many not happy. Only the Holy See was sensible in their comments. The meeting was suspended at 5pm for delegates to be browbeaten into submission ( I mean consult ) and return at 5.30pm.

At 7.35pm the meeting restarted without interpretation , the Algerian delegate complained , and then at the end of the meeting the Benin ambassador complained in French , which was a bit silly as most people could not understand French.

Then the reservations and interpretive statements were read out. Uganda spoke up for parents right to control their children's education and also made a reference to their national laws. The pro-lifers clapped very loudly after this. Kenya supported sexual and reproductive health and rights . The pro-abort NGOs clapped after this. Algeria , for the African group thanked the Chairman. The USA then told everyone that financing for development was not appropriate for this meeting. So there was no money on offer from them . The new Ambassador from Malta , gave a great pro-life intervention and asked for his statement to be included in the record. Guatemala spoke up for the role of the family. Hungary said they now protect life from conception and that " in no case shall abortion be used as a method of family planning". Tunisia mentioned cultural and religious practices. China liked the text , said it was balanced and they liked the reproductive health wording. Belgium spoke for the " like minded group " , these were European countries , including the UK. He claimed there was important progress on reproductive health and reproductive rights. Also he liked the youth representatives who were at the meeting. Poland bravely gave a good pro-life intervention , and did not want abortion promoted. Brazil praised the UN and said he had " Hope in this organisation". Russia spoke up for the rights of parents , especially regarding sex education. Egypt , speaking for 21 countries mentioned their previous reservation to the original Cairo meeting , but it was a weak statement. Chile said they protected life from conception , and had no abortion. We clapped after this. Costa Rica supported sexual and reproductive health. The delegate from Indonesia let their youth delegates speak who had had a precious experience and spoke of " our rights ". Poor deluded young lady. New Zealand said that sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights would advance young peoples lives.

Last and by no means least came the Holy See , in my view the conscience of the world at UN meeting. Fr. Bene bravely re-iterated the prior right of parents to educate their children. He said that the UNESCO guidelines on comprehensive sexuality education promoted immoral and reckless behaviour . That abortion was never safe as it killed the unborn child and injures the mother. He said that mothers and unborn children were very dear to him. Then he said that youth can be as young as 10 years of age. Lastly he admonished the meeting for neglecting to concentrate on development and jobs for young people. All the pro-life people clapped to hard that their hand hurt.

The meeting officially closed at 8.10pm. And so the term consensus language has completely lost all of its meaning. There was no true consensus as this meeting. How on earth can there be agreement , and consensus with all of the above reservations.

Opposite is a picture of myslef , looking at the camera , Pat Buckley my colleague from Dublin and Tim Hermann from C-Fam. Picture taken at 3:15pm on Friday27 April

Friday, April 27, 2012

Commission on Population & Development

Here I am sitting in conf room 2 at the UN.

There was a chairman's text produced today at 1.30pm. It was meant to have been ready by 11am.
The plenary was meant to start at 3pm. It finally got going at 3.40pm. The chair , from Indonesia , then spent a lot of time explaining how his text was not perfect , " the perfect being the enemy of the good" etc. Then many countries spoke up , many not happy.Only the Holy See was sensible in their comments.

The meeting was suspended at 5pm for delegates to be browbeaten into submission ( I mean conslut ) and return at 5.30pm.

I have some beautiful photos to upload , but my smart phone is being bumb. If only I had not lost the cable that I could have used to connect the phone to my new laptop things would be better.

It is now 5.45pm and the room is nearly empty , the browbeating is taking longer than usual.

Got to bed at 1.30 am this morning. The Chairman's text will be released at 11am today. About to have breakfast here at the Rectory , then walk over to the UN which will take about 40 minutes.

Was meant to meet two ambassadors today but have had to cancell.

If this document is very bad please pray that it shall be rejected. No document is better than a bad document.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

At the UN , all night session

I am currently at the UN in New York lobbying at the Commission on Population and Development. We could be here most of the night. There is a terrible document being debated on Adolescents and youth. There are some 152 references to reproductive matters , like reproductive health etc.

Some of the team shown opposite, Left to right are Dominique , Rae, myself , Jeanne and Sharon's daughter. Photo by Pat Buckley

There will no doubt be a " chairman's text " pushed on all the delegates tomorrow morning and everyone will have to pretend
 that is is all agredd and a consensus document. This happened
 the last two years at this meeting.