Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa - First Time !!

All of my adult life I have wanted to play Santa. After morning devotions here in Manna House this morning with George Vrewer , I was talking to my host Erik. He was having trouble with the Santa costume , so I offered to be a stand in Santa. So I got dressed up , did not need the fake beard and then got this photo with two young ladies. Then headed down to Bromley Church and gave out presents. I tried not to scare the children. I told them I was an Aussie Santa and usually came on a surf board. Some of the pre-preschoolers loved me and a few were terrified.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Speaking near Oxford - World is NOT overpopulated

Here I am speaking to about 25 people in Farmoor Village hall about two miles away from Oxford.
Had a very warm reception and the hall was decorated for Christmas. I spoke and we had a very  long ranging discussion for around 90 minutes. One lady I met may come to the UN with me in March of next year.

I have a very important meeting with my boss in London at 10am Wed. 16 Dec ,

 please pray for a good outcome.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Off to London today

Well in an hour or so I will be getting a train to London, East coast line this time.
Do not want to be caught in a flood again.

Am speaking on Friday night in a church near Oxford on " Why the world in NOT overpopulated ".

Please say a prayer for me. I have dental problems just now.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Revelation TV interview

If you missed my interview last Thursday evening you can watch it on the link below

I had a very long journey back to Prestwick on Saturday. The train stopped at Preston and after more than an hour we got a bus to Carlyle. When we got there we were met by utter confusion. No trains north. So after an hour or so I went out found a taxi , got a quote of £220 to Glasgow. Rounded up four others willing to stump up £50 and we headed North. It took 14 hours to go from Bromley to Prestwick. Please spare a prayer for the poor flooded out people of Carlyle and the Lake District.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

On Revelation TV tonight at 9pm.

If you would like to see me interviewed by Pastor Del Barefoot please tune is at 9pm.

The channels are Sky 581, Free sat 692, Free view 241, Roku box, or live on the

God bless

Peter Smith